The ABCs of Operating a Forklift
The Basics
Forklifts are found in most every warehouse, distribution centre and construction site. Constantly buzzing around, these vehicles perform an extremely important function; the safe and quick transportation of heavy objects or products.
Operating a forklift or lift truck is much different than driving your average vehicle. Theory and practical hands-on training is necessary to operate forklifts in the safest possible manner. All companies are required by law to have their operators maintain a current forklift certification to ensure their competence.
Knowing Thy Forklift
It’s important for any operator to complete proper training before getting in the driver’s seat. Not only do you need to know how to drive the lift truck, you need to understand the different types of forklifts and how to use them. Forklifts come in a variety of models and capacity ratings that have been designed specifically for different types of applications. They are powered by either propane, battery, diesel, or gas and it is important to know how to properly and safely work with these types of fuel sources.
Inspecting Thy Equipment
Prior to operating any material handling equipment, the operator must complete a circle check on all the features of the equipment to ensure there are no malfunctioning parts, leaks, or cracks.
Preventing Accidents
As with any motorized vehicle, buckle up! Using a seatbelt will ensure that an operator stays within the operator’s compartment in the event a tip-over occurs. Operator’s must look in all directions before moving the forklift and travel at a speed that conditions allow or at the designated speed limit. Operators must keep all hands and feet within the operators compartment to avoid being crushed and only pick up loads that can be safely lifted to the lift truck’s capacity.
Liftow provides a full range of training services, to meet the needs of all companies according the standards outlined by the Ministry of Labour. Our courses have been accredited by the Canadian Supply Chain Council through the National Accreditation Program.
For the best deals on quality forklifts, call Liftow today. We have proudly been North America’s premiere forklift service for over 50 years. In addition to new and used lift trucks, we offer forklift rentals, forklift parts, corporate training, safety products and more. Visit our website to learn more about us and our comprehensive range of products and services.
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